UBC’s European Distribution Centre (UBC-EDC)

Products & Services > Services > UBC’s European Distribution Centre (UBC-EDC)

UBC’s European Distribution Centre (UBC-EDC)


UBC has set up its new European Distribution Centre, hereinafter we call it UBC-EDC, operated by CASTALIA SUMINISTROS INDUSTRIALES.

The new UBC-EDC is located in Paterna (Valencia) and will provide quick and timely deliveries to all UBC distributors in Europe.

A specific stock profile has been carefully defined in order to incorporate most of the items historically requested by European Distributors.

UBC-EDC is an official UBC supplementary channel for distributors to source their urgent requirements when they cannot wait for direct shipment from Shanghai.

Every distributor has the choice of placing scheduled orders directly through UBC Shanghai, rely on the European stock placing their spot and scheduled orders through EDC,  or even use a combination of both channels as desired.

The UBC-EDC operation is managed by Francisco Zamora, Sales Manager of CASTALIA’s Valencia branch.

You can address your inquiries to:


Phone: +34 963 210 111

Fax: +34 963 848 457
